The Healing Angel Protocol, Part II
Take the Angel Merge Technique from Part I to a whole new level.
As you merge, you will be also working with 20 + cellular memory points (where we hold suppressed trauma, pain, suffering, etc.) to facilitate release without reliving. These 20 + points are newly discovered and identified by the angels as specific areas of specific pain and suffering that most of humanity has buried at very deep levels. When we release this pain and suffering, we experience more energy, freedom, lightness, love, plus the divine blessing for each specific area. Restoring us back to our natural state of our soul.
Just like with Part I, Part II can be used as a stand-alone therapy or added to what you are already doing. Enhancing the healing with messages and specific area healings that lead to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual freedom. Use this on yourself, your loved ones and your clients to speed healing and manifestation.
$497.00 USD