Now taking registrations for 

The Hollow Bone Journey classes.

Make your unbelievable...believable.

Welcome to The Hollow Bone Journey.

This is the way home to yourself, your dreams, desires, and activate your full healing potential.

All because you are learning how to be the channel for Source Energy.

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You have a passion for healing and for helping others, but aren't sure about your spiritual path.


You'd love to make a bigger impact on the world,  but don't know where to begin.


You know you're intuitive, but you don't always trust your inner guidance.


Even though you've studied modalities, worked with teachers and therapists, you'd like to achieve faster and better results than what you are currently experiencing.

It’s not about how hard you’re working, how intuitive you are, or how much you know.


It’s about how you let go of your ego, open your heart, and allow Source in.


This is what we call being

‘The Hollow Bone of Healing’,


helping you to thrive as a natural channel of Source Energy.


When Source does all the work, you can expect miraculous healing, magnetic manifestations, mind-blowing career ops, and magical relationships (especially with



If you want to see desired results with yourself, in your business and with others, you need ‘the cleanest bones’.


"The cleaner the bone, the more water you can pour through it, and the faster it will run.”

 Frank Fools Crow, Originator of the term 'hollow bone of healing', ceremonial chief of the Teton Sioux and nephew of Black Elk.

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Let me introduce myself.

I'm Phoenix Rising Star,

Director of The Hollow Bone Journey.

Since authoring The Hollow Bone of Healing, and The Power of the Hollow Bone,

I have seen firsthand the personal and professional development changes my students have made.

Whether they have self-healed chronic illnesses, tumors, or disease

or started and/or expanded their businesses

the transformation in all students has been miraculous.

It all begins with love.

Welcome to


Hollow Bone Journey

Channeling Source Energy to make your unbelievable...believable.

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The Hollow Bone Journey Initiate Level

Learning how to channel Source Energy through accessing higher realms of consciousness.

Building your divine connection faster from the foundation of love.

Giving you the ‘cleanest bones’

so you can begin to see and trust your desired results.

Making your unbelievable.... believable.


Providing you with a system to uplevel your practice and your life.

Our course will guide you through how to be ‘The Hollow Bone of Healing’ for yourself and others.

Opening to Source and awakening your pure and endless potential as you allow the creative energy of Source to work through you.  Learn how to be the 'hollow bone' for yourself and others.

Healing your Law of Attraction so you let go of your known identity, lift your invisible ceilings and open to potential that is more aligned with you.  Healing what's in your way of living your true purpose.

Activating your highest purpose and inner-most dreams so you can see and live your desired results.  One step at a time!

The Hollow Bone Journey becomes your way of living.


If you want to...

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 see better and faster results in your life, you need the Hollow Bone system to be the clearest ‘bone’. 


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have a more fulfilling, successful and spiritually aligned life and business,  you need the Hollow Bone system that helps heal your invisible ceilings of lack, limitation, worthiness, and so much more.


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live your true purpose with joy and ease, you need the Hollow Bone system  that helps you open to Source, heal what holds you back and activate your heart's desires. No matter what level of consciousness you are working on!


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The Hollow Bone Journey will help you open your 'bone' with your angels and guides and make a bigger impact on the world.

The Hollow Bone Journey will you quickly raise the invisible ceilings that hold you back so you can live your spiritually aligned dream life.

The Hollow Bone Journey will shift your current healing techniques to see more happy, fulfilled, satisfied, repeat clients without working harder.


Uplevel your life and your practice with Opening, Healing, and Activating

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The Initiate Track

Level I:  The Opening


Learn how to channel Source Energy for yourself and others.

Open your senses to love and clear the ‘bone’ for Source energy so you can trust what comes through.

Learn how to safely access higher realms of consciousness so you can witness more miracles and messages.

Take another step on the trust path to receive messages and healing and become the healer you were born to be.

See faster and better results with yourself, your clients, friends, and family, all without working harder.

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The Initiate Track

Level II: The Healing

Heal with love and change the cellular memory of your ‘law of attraction’ so you can attract more of what you choose,  without reliving trauma.

Lift your invisible ceiling of doubt, unworthiness, and limitation so you can help more people.

Be the cleanest ‘bone’ and the best channel for your Source connection so you can  improve your reality.

Realize that the clearer you are, the easier it is to manifest  your heart's desires and

make a bigger impact on the world.

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The Initiate Track

Level III:  The Activation

Activate your soul’s purpose with love  and spiritually align who you are with what you do, so you see faster transformational results.

Lift that next invisible barrier to success and change the question from 'why can't I' to 'how can I?'

Become clearer about your gifts, who you serve, how you serve, helping to transform lives quickly and easily.

Feel the joy of empowering others with lasting emotional and spiritual growth.

Serve more people, and see faster and better transformational results without working harder!

 How it works for you:

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3 Consecutive Home Study Courses to be a better 'hollow bone'.


Level I: Opening to Channel

Level II: Healing with love

Level III: Activating your Purpose

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Every Level includes live weekly group calls and meditations aligned with the Module of the Week.

Your Transformational Team Leader will safely guide you on your success roadmap for being and living 'the hollow bone of healing'.

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All weekly live calls are recorded and added to the

easily accessible

library of

audio and video recordings with lifetime access

so you never feel stuck and always have a solution.


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Group ‘love-seats’ to safely practice being ‘the hollow bone of healing’ or channel for self and others

to build your confidence and quickly trouble shoot problems as they develop.

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Personalized assistance to build your channeling connection faster with love

so you can begin to see faster transformational results within yourself and others.

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 Helping you 

be the cleanest 'bone' and clearest channel to make your unbelievable....believable.

Register Now

Level I: The Opening


or $199/m for 3 months (email Phoenix for the link)

Your Bonuses include:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deep Dive into the Hollow Bone Workshop

Get Started Here!

All 3 Levels


12 monthly Payments

Including these Bonuses:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone of Healing Course

*The Ultimate Bundle of Hollow Bone Meditations

*Ask the Angels! Becoming a LightWorker Course

Convenient Plan

All 3 Levels


One Payment

Including these Bonuses:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone of Healing Course

*The Ultimate Bundle of Hollow Bone Meditations

*Ask the Angels! Becoming a LightWorker Course


Best Buy!


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Love it or Your Money Back!

Immediate access to Module 1 in Levels I, II and III

100% Risk FREE

If you're not satisfied, write to me in 7 days and I'll happily refund your investment.

Your Bonuses

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Regularly $397, yours as a Bonus!

Healing the Animals and the Environment Course.  Taught Live!

Taking the hollow bone to the beloved fur babies, winged ones, and all animals.

Connecting with animals and their two-leggeds for healing and messages. Helping to ease their anxiety, issues, and relationships.

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Regularly $197, yours as a Bonus!  Taught live!

Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone

A  mini-course takes you deeper into being a cleaner and clearer hollow bone (not taught in any of the levels).

Enhancing your connection with Source, helping you to have confidence in your ability to channel Source, trust what comes through, and help more people have faster transformational results.

Teaching you how to be the hollow bone, quickly and efficiently, for yourself and for others.

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Regularly $397.   Yours as a Bonus!

The Ultimate Bundle of Hollow Bone Meditations

Additional meditations, not included in the course, to help you lift your invisible ceilings in Opening, Healing, and Activating.


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Regularly $397.   Yours as a Bonus!

Ask the Angels:  Becoming a LightWorker

Additional meditations, not included in the course, helping you with instant app's, soul transformation, and ascension.


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Community Support.   Yours as an invaluable Bonus!

Success Calls, FB Support Group, and more!

Join our monthly Success Calls where we share, ask and answer questions, help and support each other with all hollow bone issues.

Join our private FB Hollow Bone Support Group where you can post your burning questions, get help with case studies, share cool stuff and more.

Attend our monthly Hollow Bone Circle where we apply the meditations from the hollow bone book to different topics, demonstrating just how easy it really is to live the hollow bone.

Ready to change your life?

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"My best takeaway from all of this is just the healing and love and friendship that you get to be in.You get to connect with a soul family.
The best part for me was you get to release the pain, but it’s not painful to do. It’s very simple. You just have to be willing to let go of it, move on to the next chapter of your life, and know that it’s exciting and wonderful.
To me, The Hollow Bone Journey has brought a lot of clarity, balance, love and unconditional love back into my life.
I highly recommend this course for anyone who is looking for the same thing. Love to all. "

Flo Buie

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"I have been an energy healing facilitator since 1987 and am so impressed with The Hollow Bone Journey because it is the fastest, most direct healing method I have come across in all my years of experience, which makes this a real game changer in the field of energy medicine.  


Through The Hollow Bone Journey, I have released old traumas that kept me stuck in auto-immune illnesses, which were holding me back from achieving the life of my dreams. Other healing methods helped me manage my illnesses, but none completely cleared them, and the issues around them for good. The Hollow Bone Journey has achieved that for me. I feel 30 years younger!"


Marie Forrest


six months from now, you  experience your holy grail of healing. Your day is filled with natural harmonyMeditation and mindfulness are part of your daily routine. New levels of joy and gratitude are experienced each day. Your business reflects your internal changes, and is abundant and thriving. All because you have mastered being ‘the hollow bone of healing’ and are channeling Source Energy as a way of living.


a year from now, you wake up to an email from yet ANOTHER referral. Having heard the results from a current client who happened to be their best friend or a work colleague, this referral tearfully wants to know if you can help them also. All because you have mastered being ‘the hollow bone of healing’ and are a channel for Source Energy in your life and business and have The Hollow Bone  system already in place to handle the overflow.


one year, two years, five years from now, your life is now effortless and rewarding. Your lifework allows you the freedom to connect with people all over the world. Due to your financial independence, you have the luxury of a four day work week and a dedicated team to cover the mundane yet essential tasks. Your specialized classes bring in more abundance than you have ever imagined. You love connecting to people as a mentor, coach, teacher, and thought leader. All because you have mastered being ‘the hollow bone of healing’  and are channeling Source Energy as a way of living, and as a system for growth and expansion.  No matter where you go!

 Ready to change your life?

Level I: The Opening


or $199/month for 3 months (email Phoenix for the link)

Your Bonuses include:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deep Dive into the Hollow Bone Workshop


Get Started Here!

All 3 Levels


12 monthly Payments

Including these Bonuses:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone of Healing Course

*The Ultimate Bundle of Hollow Bone Meditations

*Ask the Angels! Becoming a LightWorker Course

Convenient Plan

All 3 Levels


One Payment

Including these Bonuses:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone of Healing Course

*The Ultimate Bundle of Hollow Bone Meditations

*Ask the Angels! Becoming a LightWorker Course


Best Buy

When you join,

here's what happens...

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You’ll receive a Welcome Email

with all the instructions for accessing

the courses and bonuses

plus information on your Team Leader and weekly module zoom call.

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Instant access to Module 1 of the Opening, Healing and Activating

to give you a sneak peek of what’s coming.

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Invitation to our private FB group for support.

Post your  questions,

respond to others,

and request help with case studies

(should you wish to become a practitioner).

The results speak for themselves...

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"Since taking The Hollow Bone Journey, my life has changed dramatically. 
People are friendlier  to me.  They are nicer to me and others in my building. 
Healing sometimes happens in ways I don't understand, but it still happens. 
I am at peace.  I am content.  I never thought I could be this way, and I never saw myself as working with others in this way. 
Now I feel so strongly that this work needs to get into the hands of everyone in the world! 
Because it creates miracles." 
Yasmin Divine
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"The Hollow Bone Journey has changed my life. 
For the past few years I had kind of lost myself.  I had some health issues.  I was no longer working.  I felt isolated and alone. I didn't know how to change that.
When I first started the course, I felt a sense of community and a sense of sharing and love that was so healing.
And the deeper I got into the course, the more I was able to heal myself, heal my health, my emotions, and so much more.
For me, the biggest change is that I have found my courage.  The courage to speak my truth. The courage to act on my truth. The courage to be me.
I feel like myself again.  Thank you."
Mae Pagan


Frequently Asked Questions

No questions! I'm ready for this!

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You are so ready for this journey.

What The Hollow Bone Journey will do for you:

*Help you to be the ‘cleanest’ bone and the clearest channel for Source so you can do the work you are meant to do in the purest way.

*Surround you in a community of like-minded, like-hearted individuals who understand you and support you in your growth. So you don’t have to explain yourself all the time!

*Give you the tools to see better, faster results personally and professionally without working harder.

*Help you be clearer about your gifts, who you serve, how you serve, and what impact you are making on the world. So you are able have happier, healthier, repeat experiences, feel successful and abundant in all ways, and make a bigger impact on the world.

There's something I need to tell you.

Being 'the hollow bone of healing' is not the same as being intuitive.  It's taking your intuition to a deeper level of being where Source does all the work, and your only job is to be the ‘hollow bone’ for Source.  This is how miracles happen.  

It's not about how hard you're working, or how intuitive you are, or how much you know.  It's about how well you are able to let go of your ego, open your heart, and allow Source to come through love. 

This is only the first step of The Hollow Bone Journey.

If you truly want to make your unbelievable...believable,

learn how to live The Hollow Bone Journey.


Level I: The Opening


or $199/month for 3 months (Email Phoenix for the link)

Your Bonuses include:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone of Healing Course


Get Started Here!

All 3 Levels


12 monthly Payments

Including these Bonuses:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone of Healing Course

*The Ultimate Bundle of Hollow Bone Meditations

*Ask the Angels! Becoming a LightWorker Course

Convenient Plan

All 3 Levels


One Payment

Including these Bonuses:

*Healing the Animals & the Environment Course

*Take a Deeper Dive into the Hollow Bone of Healing Course

*The Ultimate Bundle of Hollow Bone Meditations

*Ask the Angels! Becoming a LightWorker Course


Best Buy
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